The last year, I wrote about how to consume a ASMX SOAP service to be precise I am talking about the Banco Central de Costa Rica webservice to grab the exchange rate (Official documentation:
It looks like they now changed their services, so I am writing this up to be explain how consume it now. I updated the repository with the new version here:
The custom module codebase is almost the same one, so for sake of this article I won't explain everything again, nevertheless I will mention the main changes I made in order to make it work once again! In order to do that we gonna follow along the commit I made to fix it:
Files changes
On info YML file: what I included was the compatibility with Drupal 9 plus I added a version definition.
The service now requires to you to register up in order to have access here, after that they will provide you a token to consume the service. So, I decided to create a settings form to store all those credentials. I've also storing the URL to consume the service (The last version I hardcoded it).
That being said, I included a new link on admin menu to expose the new settings form.
Of course, I created the new route for the new settings form here exchange_rate.routing.yml as well.
By using this form the module is able to store the endpoint, email and token in order to consume the service. Now those are settings the needs some updates in order to inject the configuration as dependency.
Another thing that I noticed there was not feedback when the webservice was not available, so I made few changes on the controller src/Controller/ExchangeRateController.php too.
The major changes were into src/ExchangeRateManager.php where two new properties was included:
- $config It will have the configuration `exchange_rate.settings`.
- $siteName It will have the system site name.
The parameters required by the webservice are named in a different way now on the top of that the method to consume the service is now by POST method.
At last but not least, I create the settings form class src/Form/ExchangeRateSettingsForm.php per se.
Easy peasy, isn't it? Well, it works again. The demo is still available:
I hope it helps somebody somehow!
Happy coding!